Farida: a memoir

Farida Fahmy, principal dancer of Egypt's infamous Reda Troupe, shares her intimate story about her life and the creative development of Egypt's premier theatre, dance troupe. She celebrates the four founders of the troupe, including pioneering, dance, artist, and choreographer Mahmoud Reda, detailing all the keystone events, as well as their successes, trials and challenges. Embellished with, 270 stunning photos from her private collection. This book provides a rare glimpse into the history of Egyptian dance culture.

Stunning photos embellish Farida's beautiful story

Every page leaps out with stunning photos from this historical troupe's adventures since 1959. From photos of Farida's childhood to the full troupe of dancers and musicians, on stage, aficionados of Egyptian dance will reveal in the beauty and artistry of the Reda Troupe.

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